Long only strategy
This is a conservative strategy. Use cash only and long only, no margin. Invest / trade stocks, bonds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and leveraged ETFs in cash accounts, e.g. investment accounts and retirement accounts, with long and cash positions.
Annualized return from 1/1/2000 to 4/24/2022: 15.8%
Long & short strategy
This strategy may use margin buying power to long and short. Invest / trade stocks, bonds, ETFs and leveraged ETFs in margin accounts, e.g. investment accounts and trading accounts, with long, short, and cash positions.
Annualized return from 1/1/2000 to 4/24/2022: 20.1%
Long & short plus option strategy
This is an aggressive strategy. This strategy may use margin buying power to long and short. Invest / trade stocks, bonds, ETFs, leveraged ETFs and options in margin accounts, with long, short, and cash positions.
Annualized return from 1/1/2000 to 4/24/2022: 25.2%
Long & short plus option & future strategy
This is a very aggressive strategy. It may use margin buying power to long and short. Invest / trade stocks, bonds, ETFs, leveraged ETFs, options, and futures in margin accounts, with long, short, and cash positions.
Annualized return from 1/1/2000 to 4/24/2022: 30.1%